

Actor, director and teacher graduated from the National School of Theater Arts of the National Institute of Fine Arts, with studies at the École Philippe Gaulier in Paris, France and the Burlesk Center in Locarno, Switzerland, and with Dario Fo at the Libera Università di Alcatraz , Italy. He is also a mime, Clown, improviser and musician and speaks 5 languages. Since 2001 he has worked on the IMPRO improvisation technique in which he has excelled obtaining several championships and national and international recognitions. He has taught acting, improvisation, verse, Clown, pantomime and body expression classes in Mexico, the United States, France, Puerto Rico and Colombia, also in the acting career of the INBA National School of Theatrical Art, at the National Center for the Arts and at the University of London (Mexico).

15.01.2020 — 04.03.2020

The activities proposed were games with music, equipment using the format of the mirror game that allowed us to tell stories, day-to-day routines and talk about our feelings through acting and using our bodies. Improvisation, in each workshop, allowed us to be observers and adjust to the level of attention and concern per group. The classes were changing and giving the children more independence when doing the activities, whether it was to act out characters, do their own choreography or simply repeat actions.


Session 1:

The first session was a reunion and presentation. Ricardo taught the kids new songs like the Grillito Vacilator, El Sapo and Mi Gran Amigo Fiel.

Session 2:

Ricardo sang the Camino a la escuela song with various animals that they had to interpret. We also played statues.

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Session 3:

We remembered the songs that they liked the most and played the mirror game. First we imitated the artist doing his daily routine and then amongst the children.

Session 4:

With the tune of a song, the children composed an animal orchestra.


Session 5:

In this session, the mirror game became more difficult and Ricardo with the help of the children interpreted the story of the Little Red Riding Hood.

Session 6:

For this session, new elements were integrated into the statues game. First we added fabrics to play dress up and improvise with movement and then obstacles where balance had to be maintained.


Session 7:

In the seventh session, the children, guided by Ricardo, told a story while they acted it, describing it with feelings such as sadness, fear, joy and anger.

Session 8:

For the last farewell session, Ricardo asked all the children to draw a picture of whatever they imagined. With these drawings, the artist improvised a play.


Residence 4: Ramiro Chavez & Maria Tovar


Residence 2: Atelier Romo