
Lía García (La Novia Sirena) & Canuto Roldán (Can-Can)

Caretita is a virtual and interactive piece that derives from the story of a trans* boy that meets his marine fairy during the confinement unleashed by the pandemic. The work aims to visualize and propagate narratives of gender diversity in childhood and youth, through encounters of affection and radical tenderness. 

This commission is part of mare-a-ndo, a long-term curatorial project that gathers efforts of thought and artistic representation around our relationship with water.

Commissioned and developed by Ruta del Castor, based on the story by Lía García (La Novia Sirena) and Canuto Roldán (Can Can) with illustrations by Arlishan. Thanks to the support of Sofia Bastidas, programming by Julia Novitch, design by Sean Yendrys and sound editing by Pedro y el Lobo. At the end of 2022, this project was presented at Museo Jumex launching the museum’s Museo Móvil. In 2023, Careta caretita was part of Salón Acme program in Mexico City.


The Office of Water